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  • Detail

A coil spring is a spring that can be formed into any shape, with a high degree of plasticity and adaptability. Due to its wide range of applications, coil springs have become an indispensable part of the industry, covering many fields and industries.

Coil springs are formed by curling metal materials. These metal materials can be high carbon steel, brass, stainless steel, etc. These metal materials can be produced by processes such as cold drawing or cold rolling. Coil springs usually consist of a cylindrical axis that drills round wires and rods into and crimp them into the desired shape. In order to maintain its shape and durability, the coil spring can be treated by processes such as heating and cooling to optimize its material properties and make it more resistant to stresses such as bending and compression.

Coil springs can be used in many different applications. In mechanical devices, coil springs are used to generate the required pressure and elasticity, such as for opening and closing doors in various mechanical systems. In automotive manufacturing, coiling springs are used for brake pedals and accelerator opening in vehicle braking systems, as well as springs in automotive suspension systems. In electronic devices, coil springs are used in devices such as cable reels, and are also used in vibration mechanisms in mobile phone vibrators and stylus pens.

The design of the coil spring is very important to ensure its correct shape and function. The design of the coil spring needs to consider the environment and use of its application to determine the desired shape and size. Due to the high plasticity of the coil spring material, the design of the coil spring can optimize material utilization and reduce manufacturing costs. In addition, the service life and durability of the coil spring need to be taken into account during the design process to ensure that its performance is maintained during service.

The manufacture of coil springs is a very precise process that requires a high degree of skill and expertise. Manufacturers must be able to produce high-precision and high-quality coiling springs according to customer needs, while also handling the coiling material correctly to ensure its quality and durability. Not only that, manufacturers also need to design coil springs in innovative ways to respond to changing market demands.

In short, the coil spring has become an indispensable part of modern industry and is widely used in various application fields. Due to its high plasticity and adaptability, coil springs can be produced in many different shapes and sizes and used in a variety of mechanical and electronic devices to generate the required pressure and elasticity. The design and manufacture of coil springs requires a high degree of skill and expertise to ensure their high quality and durability.


Prev:Coiling spring2023-08-11


Contact number:+86 0512-66707386  +86 15262592017

Add: Building 7, Yajing High-tech Park, 161 Shilin Road, Suzhou New District


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